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Select a building from the list below. Menu items will display information about the currently selected building.





Energy Data: Navigate by Month

Energy Usage

graph is loading...
graph is loading...
rotate device to add trends

Building Name

  • Start: Sun Jan 15, 2016

Compare Options

  • Building:

  • Offset Start: 


Building Name

  *Electricity sub-meters are on a separate scale from total main building electricity to make comparison easier.

*Toggle the trend names above the graph to show/hide each trend line.


graph is loading...

graph is loading...
Energy Data: Navigate by Month

Live Usage


*Graph updates automatically. Toggle the trend names above the graph to show/hide each trend line.


*Graph updates automatically. Toggle the trend names above the graph to show/hide each trend line.


*Graph updates automatically. Toggle the trend names above the graph to show/hide each trend line.


Energy Bills

Electricity Usage Bills
To save your bill data, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.

Gas Usage Bills
To save your bill data, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.

Steam Usage Bills
To save your bill data, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.

Water Usage Bills
To save your bill data, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.
Energy Data: Navigate by Month

Energy Reports

Select a report below, select View to preview it right now or Save to download it for later.



Select a month and year to update the weather data.







*Save before you press Add if you've made any adjustments.

You can drag widgets around and drop them to re-arrange, use the arrow icon (bottom right) to resize or the green X (top right) to remove a widget.

Customization Tips:
- Sometimes it is easier to click "X" to close one or more widgets; for example: you want to rearrange many or move one to the bottom.
- If you made many adjustments, save frequently as you go.
- If you are making major changes to order and layout, it is easier to use clear all widgets button and start fresh.

Weather Normalization

results are loading...



Norm. Period:  








2,067,432 kWh

2,067,432 kWh


2,067,432 kWh

2,067,432 kWh


2,067 kWh

2,067 kWh


2,067 kWh

2,067 kWh

Energy Savings






(0.0% Error)



Forecast Utility Bills

Electricity Forecasts:
To view a detailed comparison, click the + icon for a given month. Months ending with an icon contain a comment.

*Reload (F5) the page before Excel exporting to include changes made to Energy Comments fields.

Gas Forecasts:
To view a detailed comparison, click the + icon for a given month. Months ending with an icon contain a comment

*Reload (F5) the page before Excel exporting to include changes made to Energy Comments fields.

Steam Forecasts:
To view a detailed comparison, click the + icon for a given month. Months ending with an icon contain a comment

*Reload (F5) the page before Excel exporting to include changes made to Energy Comments fields.

Water Forecasts:
To view a detailed comparison, click the + icon for a given month. Months ending with an icon contain a comment

*Reload (F5) the page before Excel exporting to include changes made to Energy Comments fields.

Energy Data: Navigate by Month

Tenant Submeter Bills

Electricity Usage Bills:
To view a bill, click it's monthly total. To save a bills summary, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.
*Bills viewed via the table of all bills (eg dollar $xxx.xx link) are the current calculated bill. To view the currently published bill: use the EDIT button or login as a client-level user with access to the building to test all published bills at once.

Publish History

The newest entry is always the currently published (or not published) bill.
Refresh (F5) the page to load recently published changes.
Re-publish and modify+save creates a new copy, all original copies are retained here if you need to Re-Publish later.

Bill Advanced Editor:
This powerful feature lets you modify the bill in any way within the limitations of the bill layout and billing engine design.
Click arrows to expand the 'array' and to expand any 'child' nodes of parameters under them.
You can click any value on the right side only and modify it, then click preview to see how it impacts on the bill.
The parameter names (left side) were implemented before it was planned to expose in an editor so they use programming nomenclature; refer to below the editor for parameter name to bill cross-reference image.
Comments: Insert comments by setting the parameter(s) noteBelowAddressLine and noteBelowTotalElecChargeLine.

Gas Usage Bills:
To view a bill, click it's monthly total. To save a bills summary, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.
*Bills viewed via the table of all bills (eg dollar $xxx.xx link) are the current calculated bill. To view the currently published bill: use the EDIT button or login as a client-level user with access to the building to test all published bills at once.

Publish History

The newest entry is always the currently published (or not published) bill.
Refresh (F5) the page to load recently published changes.
Re-publish and modify+save creates a new copy, all original copies are retained here if you need to Re-Publish later.

Bill Advanced Editor:
This powerful feature lets you modify the bill in any way within the limitations of the bill layout and billing engine design.
Click arrows to expand the 'array' and to expand any 'child' nodes of parameters under them.
You can click any value on the right side only and modify it, then click preview to see how it impacts on the bill.
The parameter names (left side) were implemented before it was planned to expose in an editor so they use programming nomenclature; refer to below the editor for parameter name to bill cross-reference image.
Comments: Insert comments by setting the parameter(s) noteBelowAddressLine and noteBelowTotalElecChargeLine.

Steam Usage Bills:
To view a bill, click it's monthly total. To save a bills summary, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.
*Bills viewed via the table of all bills (eg dollar $xxx.xx link) are the current calculated bill. To view the currently published bill: use the EDIT button or login as a client-level user with access to the building to test all published bills at once.

Publish History

The newest entry is always the currently published (or not published) bill.
Refresh (F5) the page to load recently published changes.
Re-publish and modify+save creates a new copy, all original copies are retained here if you need to Re-Publish later.

Bill Advanced Editor:
This powerful feature lets you modify the bill in any way within the limitations of the bill layout and billing engine design.
Click arrows to expand the 'array' and to expand any 'child' nodes of parameters under them.
You can click any value on the right side only and modify it, then click preview to see how it impacts on the bill.
The parameter names (left side) were implemented before it was planned to expose in an editor so they use programming nomenclature; refer to below the editor for parameter name to bill cross-reference image.
Comments: Insert comments by setting the parameter(s) noteBelowAddressLine and noteBelowTotalElecChargeLine.

Water Usage Bills:
To view a bill, click it's monthly total. To save a bills summary, press the Excel button below. To modify sort order, click the column headings.
*Bills viewed via the table of all bills (eg dollar $xxx.xx link) are the current calculated bill. To view the currently published bill: use the EDIT button or login as a client-level user with access to the building to test all published bills at once.

Publish History

The newest entry is always the currently published (or not published) bill.
Refresh (F5) the page to load recently published changes.
Re-publish and modify+save creates a new copy, all original copies are retained here if you need to Re-Publish later.

Bill Advanced Editor:
This powerful feature lets you modify the bill in any way within the limitations of the bill layout and billing engine design.
Click arrows to expand the 'array' and to expand any 'child' nodes of parameters under them.
You can click any value on the right side only and modify it, then click preview to see how it impacts on the bill.
The parameter names (left side) were implemented before it was planned to expose in an editor so they use programming nomenclature; refer to below the editor for parameter name to bill cross-reference image.
Comments: Insert comments by setting the parameter(s) noteBelowAddressLine and noteBelowTotalElecChargeLine.

Energy Data: Navigate by Month


Add, modify and delete data items in the Dynergy platform.


Manage Users

To add new: press Add New button, fill out the fields and press Save. Hit reload browser button. Assign buildings and save again.

Manage Clients
Manage Buildings

Tip: show/hide inactive buildings using checkbox on my account, then reload page.

Tip: admins still need to be assigned buildings to appear in this list: adjust on users tab to add missing ones. Then logout, reload/F5, login.

Manage Tenants
Rates & Bill Design

General Tips: The rate-set controls the entire middle of the bill. This means each charge and sub-charge you configure is what will appear on the bill, nothing more. The sub-total row is added automatically but only if you add an HST charge, eg 13 perecent in the Sub-Total Display Area.

Rate Selection: Each tenant has a set of properties defined in the main rate list. These combine with the date to determine which rate-set apply for a bill. If two tenants have the same utility but require differences on a bill such as a special charge, create a utility for that tenant or set of tenants such as 'Toronto Hydro - TenantX'. This way you can ensure a specific rate set applies for one-off cases.

Charges act only as a container for 1 or more sub-charge that comprise the total displayed charge. Optionally, choose List All under the Combine property to show all sub-charges on the bill. In this case, you may want to choose Charge Title Only option under Show Total Value, to have the Charge Title NOT show the sum of sub-charges and instead act like a title only. Also, you may want to choose Use Charge Title as Custom List under Display Area to have the Charge Title act as a new charges list heading on the bill, instead of the default Display Area options.

Display Order can be any number. Used to control the order, charges are listed on the bill left to right or top to bottom, 1=left or top most item. Eg: 1, 1.1, 2, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.21, 4.3, 5. Each sub charge has it's own ordering seperate from others.

Calculations: Percentages value should be entered as out of 100, eg: Title='Admin Fee' Rate/Flat/%=10 for 10 percent, for tax eg: Title='HST(#1234567890)' Rate/Flat/%=13 and NOT 0.13 *FOR TAX CALC='Tax Percentage'!

Tiers: to and from fields are ignored unless Tier is selected from the Calculation drop-down on a sub-charge. One sub-charge Tier From value must be 0 and one Tier To value must be infinite. Instead of a high value, you must enter 'infinite' without quotes to denote the end of the last tier. There must be at least two tier sub-charges. Make sure that tiers match up and there area no gaps: use the same number on the Tier To of a sub-charge for the next Tier From value. For example, sub-charge #1: from=0 to=100, sub-charge #2 from=100 to=300, #3 from=300 to=infinite. The billing engine rule will group interval data as less than the Tier To value and greater than or equal to the Tier From value.

Adjustment Factor: applies only to the first 4 items in Calculation drop-down list. This value is multiplied by the sum result.

Loss Factor: applies only to the first 4 items in Calculation drop-down list. This value is multiplied by the sum result, set on the building page.

*Loss Factor: ELECTRICAL RATES ONLY: The default is to use it (=Yes), but for non-electrical rates make sure to set this to =No.

Descriptor: this text will appear after the charge title. It can be anything, for example if charge is sum of kw set it to 'per kw' without quotes, charge will appear on bill as: Delivery Charges ($0.20 per kw), where title='Delivery Charges' rate="0.2" and descriptor='per kw'. If you set descriptor to be blank, the default, it will not show the rate detail at all eg our example result title becomes only: Delivery Charges

Combined Sub-Charges: the sub-charges titles are ignored if the charge container Combine field is set to Roll-up and the charge container title is used.

Calculation type: Sum(kw) and Sum(kva) = peak(kw)/peak(kva): we left the wording of this to avoid redoing hundreds of rates, it says sum but is peak/max interval value in the period.

Add a New Utility

*Any character besides: letters, numbers, spaces will be auto-removed when adding.

Utility Name Type Add
Manage Bills

Admin users have an EDIT column on the Energy Bills tabs for the selected building. Use these EDIT links to select a bill.

Add a NEW bill

Energy Star Rating

Tip: Select a building, then a year. If it exists, it will load the value. Otherwise when you save it will create a new entry.

Tip: admins still need to be assigned buildings to appear in this list: adjust on users tab to add missing ones. Then logout, reload/F5, login.


Energy Star Rating (0-100)

Note: Currently Energy Star Overview page only displays the most recent year rating value.

Load Files to Databases

4 *CHECK LOG SAYS XXX ROWS LOADED, if not they did not load. Review and ask Steve if not sure.

4. Review Loading Log:


Basics: You must perform steps 1 and 2 before step 3. Adding file(s) will automatically start loading based on selections in step 1 and 2.

Special Cases:
Generic Excel:

Each Excel file has to have the first row contain column titles. A column titled Timestamp is required and each other column title is the name of the meter.

Timestamp is the date and time. Date only should work for daily reads though. All dates must be in Excel date format. This means that if you change the format of a date (right click, Format Cells) the text automatically adjusts to the new format.

*Meter names (serial field) must be unique per all buildings. Steve should name meters uniquely eg not E001M001 but 326E001M01 for example if 326 Adelaide had that meter. This allows you to have more than one building meter per Excel file.

*Do not add sheets or change the name of the template from Sheet1.

Here is a sample file: Download XLS

Here is a template to make INTERVAL data Excel compatible dates: Download XLS

Bill Forecast (Excel):

Refer to the Notes sheet in the template Excel file for details on how to format 'Sheet1' to load bill forecast data.
Currently, to replace existing data email Steve to manually delete.
Dates must be in Excel format (change date display format and automatically changes displayed text)!

Here is a sample/template file: Download XLS

Bill Loaders (Excel):

Can only contain 1 sheet as in template. Rows must be complete. Dates must be in Excel format (change date display format and automatically changes displayed text)
You can reload the same file again with changes made, if you wish to update any data.

Here are sample/template files: Download Zip of XLS's

Carma sub-meters are identified by their file name + building, so you can upload many at once that are for the same building. Carma is currently electricity only.

Carma with peak KW/KVA Normal carma format except two extra columns in csv, column4=peak KW value and column 5=peak KVA value

Carma with bill financial balances and dollar amounts Normal carma format with peak kw and peak kva plus additional columns:

If adding dollar figures for bill balances you must have a placeholder entry even if it is zero for peak kw and peak kva so the columns are loaded properly. Always use zero for peak kw and peak kva if no data exists for them.
Columns: date, time, interval usage, peak kw, peak kva, previous Balance, last Payment, late Payment Fee, balance Forward, current Balance. One row/reading per month only case. Dollar fields should not include the dollar symbol and be rounded to cents so for $1.2343 the csv file entry would be: 1.23
*For balances tenants must have only 1 rule, eg 1 meter, you can't split data since amounts are independent of that. Also, only 1 rateset per bill. If more than one meter is required, make a new meter and manually split data to load to it.
*You only have to add balance dollar figures to data if one of the values is non-zero, otherwise they default to $0.00.

Multi-file Uploads When you select many files, this is ok but ensure that all of the files apply to the selected parameters. For example, Quinte PRN the building and meter are obtained from within the file so you can upload many at once for different buildings; same goes for intellimeter. However, for example Toronto Hydro you must select the building so if you select more than one file at once they must all be for the same building. When you select a loader type, only the necessary settings are displayed. So if you select Toronto Hydro, it will ask for the building but if you select Quinte it will only require the files and no settings.

POWERLENS Toronto Hydro You can download many meters at once, but they need to be selected/grouped by interval eg 5m, 15m data in seperate downloaded files. Here is a list of meters ID'd by their interval: Download XLS.
1. Visit Powerlens site

2. Login

3. Select View Usage

4. Select 'Check Interval Data Now' (other 2 options are not configured to load, only interval)

5. Press the 'Select Meters' button and select one or more meters.
For more than one, ensure all are in the same reading interval group, eg: 5min, 15min or 1 hour.
*Tip: press full-screen button on the Select Meter page
*Tip: Reading Interval [Hourly or 5, 15 min] can be found by clicking the meter number link and viewing the right pane, Meter Details. To save time, use the XLS linked above and keep it updated.
*Tip: TH meters are configured in the server as 5, 15 or 1 so NONE will load if meters are grouped together containing non-matching Reading Intervals.
Note: if you select a group of 1 hour meters, then add a meter which is 5 minutes it will have data rolled up to 1 hour only. For this reason, they are pre-configured to prevent mixing reading intervals when loading to the Dynergy site.

6. Checkbox the meters, per group.
*Best method is to use select all option (checkbox heading), then uncheck the 5 and 1 hour meters. As of this writing, 1 hour meters have no data and are the 3-digit meter id.
*Tip: highlight the meter id text dragging with the mouse cursor to make the meter numbers more readable.

7. Press the Select meters button.
*WAIT: until the browser tab loading indicator finishes/disappears (chrome it is a spinning icon in the tab title)
*It can take a few minutes for many meters

8. Select the time period on left pane, #2.
*DON'T SELECT TODAY/yesterday in the date range; only select up until 1-2 days before current as it typically will export some blanks, and that will fail validation and nothing will load.
*Typically the max number of days is a month at a time. I have had luck doing 4 months for a single meter though, in this case check the file date range after saving. I recommend select start/end dates manually as 1 and last of a month.

9. Select ENERGY, #3. WAIT until loading spinner finishes. If you leave it as demand, it will load but values will appear 4x higher for 15m and 12x higher for 5m data!

10. Select Trend interval = Metered or 15m, the lowest and corresponding to the group (Metered = 5m). If you don't see Metered, you must have a 15m or 1h meter selected.

11. Press Create, #5. DO NOT PRESS UNTIL DONE LOADING (will load previous settings data)!
*WAIT: browser tab title, loading spinner will finish eventually.
*Can take a few minutes!

12. Press Excel button, top right corner.
A pop up will appear to download the file with type .csv
You can view in a text editor, I recommend Notepad++ as it shows each line properly vs Windows Notepad. Line # is handy for diagnosing issues listed in the log if there is an error.

Repeat step step 6-12 for 5 minute (currently 1h meters have no data)

13. Load the file on this page.

Export Interval Data

4. Retrieve Exported File(s):

IMSense Cross-Platform Support

Configuring Dynergy Clients Users

To see the portfolio menu button and access the sub-menu, a user must be either a Dynergy admin or a client user who has been granted permission. Also note that the portfolio icon/button only appears for buildings which have the 'IMSense Portfolio URL' specified; refer below to Linking Portfolio Dashboards to Dynergy Client Portal section. The 'IMSense Portfolio URL Custom 1-5' URL’s do not need to be specified for it to enable the main portfolio button.

1. Navigate to Admin page and select the User tab.
2. From the list, select the user.
3. Change the last option ‘Porfolio Access’ from NO to YES.
4. Save the changes.

*NOTE: users must sign-out and back in to the website after being granted permission for portfolio access. If it’s recently after this update they may also need to press CTRL+SHIFT+R to hard reload the page first.

Linking Portfolio Dashboards to Dynergy Client Portal
*Every user who will have access to Portolio pages must have these steps performed.

1. Navigate to Admin page and select the User tab.
2. Select the user to update.
3. Scroll down and update the field IMSense Portfolio URL. This is the URL which will be displayed on the main portfolio button.
4. If available, also update the URL for any custom IMSense portfolio sub-pages in the fields IMSense Portfolio URL Custom 1-5.
5. Change the Portfolio Access dropdown from NO to YES.
6. Scroll down and Save the changes.

Dynergy Portal-Side Update

1. Navigate to the Admin page and select the Building tab.
2. Enter a value into the field IMSense Identifier. This can be any characters.
*The updated method is the IMSense side no longer requires using their databse id. They sync up to the buliding address field we use most likely as a unique ID.

Verifying Data is Transferring
**NOTE: the below steps have likely changed since IMSense changed the API and method we submit data. Confirm with them to update steps below.
1. Login to the IMSense administrator portal:
2. Navigate to Device Groups on left menu pane.
3. Select the desired device group.
4. Select the desired device in the list.
5. Navigate to the Latest telemetry tab you can see bill fields with the newest value listed for each field type.
6. To see the history of a field and verify how much data is loaded, check box the field and choose Show on the orange button Widget, click under Timeseries table to change the time period you want to view, such as History tab then Time period option and select the to/from dates, select max values to return and press Update.

NOTE: all historical data is re-submitted to the IMSense database at scheduled daily intervals. This means after you make a change by eg uploading bills on the Dynergy portal, it will not be instant that it appears on the IMSense side. Any changes made to historical bills, the same applies; it will update but not instantaneously.

Additional Fields – Forecast Loader

Some new data fields for buildings have been added which are currently only used by the IMSense portal. These new fields and up to three custom additional fields TBD can be passed by using the forecast bill loader. The 3 extra TBD fields have generic names, but can still be used. Additional fields beyond these three fields will require additional scope for eg IMSENSEB type rows.

For details, download the latest Forecast bill XLS file template from the LOAD tab on the Admin page. Old formatted XLS files are backward compatible, but now you can also specify IMSENSE rows where all the new fields can be specified. They are outlined in detail in the XLS, refer to the notes on secondary Sheets there.

Linking a IMSense Device Meter Point to Dynergy Database

1. Navigate to Device Groups on left menu pane.
2. Select the desired device group.
3. Select the desired device in the list.
4. Under the details tab, click 'copy device id’ button. This copies the device id into your clipboard which you will paste and email to Steve.
5. Note the field names under the device, each of these are equivalent to a single meter point on the Dynergy system. It’s important to note the exact name including upper/lower case, spaces etc.
6. Email the device ID you copied and the field name(s) to Steve along with details of the meter(s) for him to configure it on the Dynergy system. Details such as type of data (elec/gas/water) and units.

Realtime Meter List


Help & Tutorials

Can create interactive tutorials that point out features of the actual site, along with videos. Another idea, question mark symbol on items, click to display explaination. Turn question marks on/off in user profile. Videos can for example highlight tips for using graphs and gaining insight, can be voice over or subtitles.


My Account

Edit any of the below fields and press Save.

Browser Settings

These settings are localized to this browser instance only.

TIP: Press the ALT button on your keyboard to show the menu. Click anywhere on the right pane to hide the menu.


Client Login

